Focus groups examined drivers for young adults’ use of a non-contractual, per-use service, including current life stage, likes/dislikes of service, understanding of available service options and future usage intent. The meetings also gauged participants’ reactions to current advertising for this segment, proposed concepts and reasons to believe (RTBs).

service: Qualitative
completion date: August 2008

the approach: The study involved three focus groups of young adults in each of two different U.S. markets, in addition to one group of parents of 13- to 17-year-olds still living at home. Participants completed a usage survey followed by a two-hour focus group session.
the results: This study provided solid data to use as a basis for marketing non-contractual service plans, as well as for retaining current customers as future users of contract plans. The study also examined participants’ opinions of ads and identified specific elements that increased ad appeal, as well as most appealing concept wording, best and worst ads, ad recall and detailed analysis of concepts and reasons to believe. Survey and focus group feedback underscored cost and monthly cash control as the two key drivers for non-contractual usage among customers in this life stage. Participants’ replies revealed an intensely practical approach to service use as a necessary communication tool only, and current disinterest in any type of contract plan or enhanced services, or in assuming any commitment that could pose a financial risk. The information gathered also clarified participants’ level of awareness about available service options, as well as their focus on total monthly cost versus value. Results indicate that, despite cost consciousness tied to current life stage, this segment is interested in upgrading to contract service plans in the future.