This hands-on study measured satisfaction level and price sensitivity to network speed performance on mobile devices. A series of hands-on evaluations and completion of a survey, followed by moderator led discussions, led to valuable insights on awareness and preference for network speeds. Through analysis of both the qualitative insights and the quantitative survey, recommendations were made for the ideal network performance to achieve market satisfaction and the associated price point.

service: Quantitative
completion date: November 2012

the approach: Market in View recruited small groups of consumers in two cities to participate in a combination of study events. Participants received hands-on experience with random exposure to six live mobile devices at various network speeds. They each performed data centric tasks to determine if they were able to distinguish network speed and to evaluate their satisfaction with each device. Results and perceptions for each of the test devices were recorded in a computer based quantitative survey. After all six mobile devices were tested by each participant and the survey completed, a moderator led discussion provided insights on the perceptions of the network performance and consumer willingness to pay for different performance levels. Further analysis revealed the consumer’s attitude toward paying for incrementally faster network speed and their responses to various potential data plan offerings.
the results: A clear threshold for acceptable network performance was identified in the analysis. Market in View provided insights that included the price sensitivity and willingness to pay for increased performance, above and beyond an identified minimum acceptable level, along with providing a recommendation on the optimal data plan with price point.