Market in View conducted a series of five focus groups to evaluate and optimize “quick tips” for new Smartphone users. This study helped prioritize the type of content most valuable to these recently upgraded consumers as well as created standard guidelines for the most non-invasive frequency and duration for sending these to customers.

service: Qualitative
completion date: April 2011

the approach: These focus groups were conducted using an iterative approach where sample quick tips were reviewed and updated after each focus group based on consumer feedback. This allowed Market in View to create optimized examples of the kinds of hints, tips and information these recently upgraded, tech-savvy consumers would most appreciate knowing when using their brand new Smartphone. Additionally, this study prioritized the tips and determined the best tone and messaging strategy for each.
the results: Market in View recommended a strategic plan for the distribution and “marketing” of these quick tips. The plan included details such as the quantity and frequency of these tips being sent to consumers, the evolution of tips as the newly-upgraded consumer becomes more familiar with their device, the optimal topics the tips should cover and ultimately the phrasing of each tip. Market in View created specific examples that were generated from the respondents as well as optimized the proposed tips that the client was able to execute quickly and easily.